Sunday, January 17, 2010

THE ROYAL PRINCESS Green Moss Sliver Peridot Gothic Engagement Ring

From the Three Rexes "Royal Collection" - One large GREEN MOSS PERIDOT & two MEDIUM Peridot grace this studded Princess ring - symbolizing the spark and beauty that shines within all that is feminine, fanciful and forever youthful!

The ROYAL PRINCESS ring makes the perfect engagement ring... Read Customer Comment Below.
silver Gothic Engagement Ring green peridot stone
* ABOUT PERIDOT * August Birthstone, 16th anniversary gemstone - Peridot is a very old gemstone which has been found within the MEDIEVAL churches of Europe, adorning many a treasure. It was also used in EGYPTIAN jewelry from the early 2nd millennium B.C. - The ROMANS were also fond of Peridot and esteemed its radiant green shine, which does not change even in artificial light. For that reason they nicknamed it the * EMERALD OF THE EVENING *

silver Gothic Engagement Ring garnet stone
CUSTOMER COMMENT!!! "It went swimmingly. I had the ring in the bag in my pocket...we revisited the castle she wants to get married at...our parents wanted a photo of us at the castle, so while we were posing in front of the windmill; I got on one knee and gave it to her. Of course she was all "what the heck, oh are you just giving me a box for the picture, thats mean there is something in there?...(then she couldn't get it opened while the wet mud saturated my pants/knee)...OH MY GOD...*SLAP*...(yes she slapped me) told me it was sold out...of course she was being a goof with the slap and absolutely loved it. she is NOT a jewelry person; which is why I never really got an engagement ring at first...but now she wont stop showing it off...haha - well hope you are doing well. Ciao, Adam"

CUSTOMER COMMENT!!! "I had to email you and tell you how absolutely thrilled I am with the ring my fiance (I love saying that!) Ames purchased from you. Thank you, thank you, thank you! He knocked it out of the park with his proposal! I can't think of anything more amazing than coming in for a landing on my first skydiving experience and seeing the man I love down below me with a big "Will You Marry Me?" sign:) It was surreal. And the ring! Just wow! It is so "me"... feminine and bad-ass all in one. The peridot stone is my favorite, hands down. It reminds me of that green stretch of the ocean right before it gets really deep. It's serene. Thank you again for helping Ames!" Kelley - Denver, CO

3 Rexes Jewelry website HERE 
   Question about this item HERE